> 正文
是的,长官 Yes, Sir【双语例句】1、"是的,长官。"他回答道。
"Yes, sir." he replied.2、给我找个飞行员!是的,长官!Get me a pilot! Yes, Sir!3、梆德林:“是的,长官……我们并不孤单。
”Buzz Aldrin: No Sir. We are not alone.4、是的,长官,我觉得这件事会比《搜查和扣押的排斥法则》更重要。Yes, sir. I thought this might be more important than "Exclusionary Rules of Search and Seizure".5、奥尔德林:“是的,长官……我们并不零丁。”Buzz Aldrin: No, Sir. We can getting not by itself.6、是的,长官。他们是给我了。
Yes, sir. They surely did.扩展资料:【临近单词】1、遵命obey your command2、长官senior official3、行政长官magistrate4、地方长官propretor5、"今天晚上你到火车站见我,把钱带来。" "遵命" 。"You'll meet me tonight at the railway6、我非常乐意遵命。
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