longthemall 怎么写中文
long the mall长商场例句:1.From long island queens and brooklyn the locals who converged on the green acres mall had plenty of theirown worries. 从长岛市、皇后区和布鲁克林区汇聚到绿田购物中心的当地人,他们的担心不是多余的。2.Hagen made another call to tessio, telling him to come to the mall in long beach immediately. 黑根又打了个电话,这次是打给忒希奥的,要他马上赶到长滩镇林荫道。
3.American indians won a long battle to open their own museum on the mall in washington; other museumscelebrate the westward expansion of the united states but give short shrift to the displacement and killing ofamerican indians. 美国印第安人经过长期斗争,终于在华盛顿的国家广场建立了属于自己的博物馆;其它博物馆则赞颂美国西进运动,但对美国印第安人的被迫迁徙与受到的屠杀不予重视。
4.Dragon mart is the biggest chinese shopping mall outside the chinese mainland: it is 1.2km ( 0.75 miles)long and contains 3950 shops. 迪拜龙城是中国在大陆以外的最大的购物中心:长约1.2千米(0.75英里),可容纳3950家商铺。
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