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oil change是什么意思?


e是换油的意思。“oil change”标识一般出现在汽车仪表盘上,当仪表盘上OIL CHANGE灯亮时,表示要尽快更换机油、润滑油,此为车辆的保养提示。


1、Your car needs an oil change. 你的汽车要换油了。

2、Our standard oil change is fifteen dollars and eighty - eight cents, including tax.我们换机油的标准价是15.88美元, 税包含在内。

3、In fact the engine does sound quieter after the oil change. 果然换了油后机器的声音小了很多。

4、When's the last time you gave that car an oil change? 你上次是什么时候给车换机油的?

5、The amount of time before I need an oil change.为汽车换一次发动机油能维持的时间。

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