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一.英语: do morning exercise
二.双语例句: 1 我喜欢晨练。 I like morning exercises! 2 晨练对一天的工作和学习都有好处。

She said, I do morning exercise every day. 4 爸爸:是啊,我还是小孩子的时候,也常常和我爷爷去公园晨练。 Dad: Yes. I used to come out here with my grandpa as a child. 5 这位老人老早就来到了花园晨练。老年人早晨醒得早。 The old man comes to the garden very early to do morning exercises. 6 雪莉:不,这是我们第一次晨练。

Shirley: No, this is our first time doing morning exercises. 7 我不习惯于这么早起床进行晨练。 I'm not accustomed to getting up so early to do morning exercises. 8 她对每天晨练的益处深信不疑。 She firmly believes in doing morning exercises every day. 9 我们可以看到许多人在公园晨练,即使在寒冷的早晨。

We can see a lot of people doing morning exercises in the park even in a cold morning. 10 你认为做一些晨练对你的身体有好处吗? Do you think some exercise in the morning is good for you? 11 他极其单调和有规律地进行晨练。 He keeps morning exercises with monotonous regularity. 12 为了保持身体健康,他养成了晨练的习惯来源北京安通学校。 He has fallen into the habit of doing morning exercises to stay healthy. 13 晨练之后,我筋疲力尽。

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