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  Stanley Ipkiss:(looking wistfully at the poster of Tina)She'll never be mine...  史丹利:(满怀期望的看着蒂娜的海报)她永远不会属于我……  (He turns and sees the mask lying on the sofa. Slowly, he walks over to it and holds it... )  (转身看着沙发上的面具。他缓缓地走近,拿起它。

  (Walks away, then jumps over the sofa)  (走开,后又跳到沙发后)  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  The Mask: Ooh, somebody stop me!  摩登大圣:谁来阻止我!  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  (Thugs shoot at the Mask)  (匪徒对摩登大圣开枪)  The Mask: Did you miss me?  摩登大圣:你又没打中我吗?  (Takes a drink, and the liquid pours out through holes in his body)  (喝了一口,水从他身上的枪眼冒出来)  The Mask: I GUESS NOT!  摩登大圣:我想你没有!  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  (Tina kicks him and scampers away)  (对蒂娜说了一堆下流话之后蒂娜踢了他并跑开了)  The Mask: (squeaky voice) She is so coy.  摩登大圣:(尖刺的声音)她很害羞。

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