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People seldom stock up on Chinese cabbage now. 锅底下熬大白菜,吃的也是津津有味地呢! Under the bottom of the pot boiled cabbage to eat it is with relish! 地窖里有几十斤冬贮大白菜。 There are dozens of cabbages stored in winter. 大白菜空心了。 The cabbages have gone spongy. 过一会儿加了些大白菜和什么热酱进去。 These were then combined with cabbage and some kind of hot sauce. 我喜欢腌大白菜。

I like to pickle cabbages. 它象棵大白菜般长起来了。 It grows like a cabbage. 仙女用魔杖在大白菜上一挥,这些大白菜就立刻就成了一匹匹马。 The fairy godmother waved her magic wand over the cabbages and they immediately turned into horses. 大白菜幼苗过氧化物同工酶的研究 Study on Peroxidase Isoenzyme in Seedling of Chinese Cabbage 你要卷心菜还是大白菜? Do you want white, red or Chinese cabbage? 嘿,大白菜!我喜欢大白菜。

Hey, cabbages! I like cabbages. 我记得只有冬储大白菜,对吧? I remember it only had winter cabbages, right? 尽管孩子们通常不爱吃诸如大白菜,甘蓝以及菠菜等绿叶蔬菜,但这些食物对于 儿童 和成人的大脑都相当有好处。 Leafy green vegetables such as cabbage, kale, spinach, and others, while not very well-liked by children, are excellent for the brain of children and adults alike.article.yeeyan.org 前不久,中国北方的冬季意味着只有一样蔬菜可吃:大白菜,整天就是它。 Not so long ago, northern Chinese winters meant one thing: cabbage, day in andday out. article.yeeyan.org 一些产品,比如英文报纸,多年来都是同一个价格,但是带花的大白菜的价格在几个月内可能翻一番,接着又减半。

Some goods, like English newspapers, keep the same price for years, butflowering Chinese cabbage can double and then halve in price in months. article.yeeyan.org 大白菜的英语 句子 带翻译 在省会海口市,包括大白菜、生菜和西红柿在内的各种蔬菜价格都上涨了33%。 In the provincial capital of Haikou, prices of vegetables, including cabbage, lettuceand tomato, rose by as much as 33 percent. 王教伟是中国山东胶州市马店镇统计站的一名统计员,负责收集农村经济数据。 胶州的大白菜和黑猪享有盛名。

Wang Jiaowei collects rural economic data for the local statistics station in Maidian, a town on China's eastern seaboard famed for its giant cabbages andblack pigs. 还有一个菜园,种了各种各样的蔬菜,有大白菜、花椰菜、西红柿等。 Thereis also a vegetable garden where we grow all kinds of vegetables, such ascabbages, cauliflowers, and tomatoes. 而德国人就喜欢吃酸制的大白菜。 People in Germany eat their cabbage in sauerkraut form. article.yeeyan.org 她们在西餐桌上刀光剑影一个星期以后,往往也会突然想我改良后的拿手好菜:汆丸子汤、清炒大白菜、糖醋排骨和白米饭。 After having manipulated with their knives and forks for a whole week, it happens that they suddenly recall my improved masterpiece, meatball, stir-fried cabbage,sweet and sour spare ribs, rice. 过一会儿加了些大白菜和什么热酱进去。

These were then combined with cabbage and some kind of hot sauce. mytimes.net.cn 在路上搭起的遮雨棚下,商贩提供了火龙果、光鲜亮丽的苹果以及新鲜的大白菜。 Under the awnings that flank the road, traders offer dragon fruit, rose apples andthe flowering stems of Chinese cabbage. article.yeeyan.org 只不过让他们焦虑的对象不是我们罢了,就像雷曼兄弟没焦虑过腌泡菜的大白菜涨价,但当他们不能兑现储户的存款时,他们的焦虑就比韩国的家庭主妇还严重了。 For example Lehman Brothers have never worried about the soaring price ofChinese cabbage in South Korea but when they fail to cash deposit moeny theyare more anxious than Korean housewives. article.yeeyan.org 毛时代那种从摇篮到坟墓的福利制度早已一去不返了,该制度的享受者从住房、医疗、工作甚至连冬季的大白菜都是免费提供的。 Long gone are the days of the Maoist cradle-to-grave welfare system under whichhousing, healthcare, jobs and even winter cabbage supplies were provided free.article.yeeyan.org 我知道北京冬天的大白菜很好,同时像咖喱或辣味的鸡(羊)肉饭这样加了调味酱的米饭也很适合冬季食用。

I know big cabbages in winter are good in Beijing, some curried or spicy chicken, or mutton with rice, would be good for winter-eating too, with sauces to go withrice. 胡萝卜、南瓜等也会变苦;而十字花科类,如西兰花,花椰菜和大白菜则会更容易变软变黄。 The flavor of carrots, squash, and some herbs will also suffer, while crucifers such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, and cabbage may turn limp and yellow morequickly. article.yeeyan.org 难道这些具有学历和 教育 证书的 毕业 生不应该被嘉奖吗? 难道他们应该被视为“像大白菜一样便宜”的人才吗? Shouldn't these graduates be rewarded for their education credentials andqualifications and not be treated “as cheap as cabbages”? article.yeeyan.org 大白菜不仅在中国受欢迎。 And Chinese cabbage is popular not just in China. 安全的替代品:茄子,大白菜和泥土蘑菇。 Safe alternatives: eggplant, cabbage and earthy mushrooms. article.yeeyan.org 菜农每隔约30公分种一颗大白菜。

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