Features and performance: use nylon canvas,Comb Roller Roller, EP canvas as the conveyor belt core. Covered with rubber with natural rubber and polybutadiene rubber with a plastic,Cogeneration Expansion (2 330MW) of the Auxiliary plant lighting, boiler insurance ..., flexible high impact resistance,Commissioned hsiang, surveillance, camera, excellent cold tolerance characteristics. Applicable to cold storage areas and other places open or frozen transportation of materials.
1, cold conveyor beltveyor conveyor belt according to cover properties were zoned crack resistance (H), wear-resistant type (D), the general type (L) of three types.
2 , according to cold resistance can be divided into two classes C1 and C2. C1 using the ambient temperature is-45mm +50 ℃; C2 use of environmental temperature-60mm +50 ℃
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