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一、预乳化反应系统 一、Pre-emulsion reaction system

不锈钢反应锅闭式 反应锅 closed stainless steel

(1)5千瓦防爆电机 (1) Explosion-proof motor 5 kilowatts

(2)铸钢电机支架 (2) Electrical steel stent

(3)浆式搅拌器 (3) Slurry stirrer

(4)盘式密封器 (4) Tray sealer

(5)闭式不锈钢锅坯 (5) Closed stainless steel pot billet

二、聚合反应系统 二、Polymerization system

搪玻璃反应锅(开式) Glass-lined反应锅(open)

(1)7.5千瓦防爆电机 (1)Explosion-proof motor 7.5 kilowatts

(2)铸钢电机支架 (2)Electrical steel stent

(3)浆式搅拌器 (3)Slurry stirrer

(4)机械密封器 (4)Mechanical seal device

(5)开式搪玻璃锅坯 (5)Glass-lined pot open billet

三、供料系统 三、Third, for the feeding system

不锈钢磁力驱动泵 Stainless steel magnetic drive pump

(4)不锈钢管 (4) Stainless Steel Pipe

(5)不锈钢球阀 (5) stainless steel ball valve

(6)不锈钢弯头 (6) Stainless Steel Elbow

(7)不锈钢法兰 (7) stainless steel flange

(8)不锈钢软管 (8) stainless steel hose

(9)自来水镀锌管 (9) galvanized water pipe

(10)自来水活接 (10) live water access

(11)自来水弯头 (11) Water Elbow

(12)自来水球阀 (12) Water Ball

四、冷却系统 四 the cooling system

(1)高压水泵 (1) high-pressure pumps

(2)普通水泵 (2) General Pump

(3)自来水管 (3) of water pipe

(6)自来水单向阀 (6) one-way water valve

(7)法兰截止阀 (7) cut-off valve flange

五、热交换系统(冷凝器) 五、 heat exchange system (condenser)

不锈钢冷凝器 Stainless steel condenser

(1)不锈钢法兰片 (1) piece of stainless steel flange

(3)不锈钢封头 (3) stainless steel head

(4)A3钢外环 (4) A3 steel ring

六、供热系统 六、 heating system

组成:(1)蒸气截止阀(法兰式) Composed of: (1) the steam valve (flange type)

(2)普通法兰片 (2) ordinary piece flange

(3)蒸汽管 (3) steam pipe

七、放料系统 Seven or discharge system

活接 Live next

八、称重(计量)系统 Eight, weighing (measurement) system

称重模块 Weighing Module

固定式静止模块 Static modules fixed

半浮动式静止模块 Semi-floating static module

全浮动式静止模块 Static full-floating module

(4)AJB-005模拟5F接线盒 (4) AJB-005 Junction Box 5F simulation

(5)PTPN-1000N面板式TTL电平的预置点输出 (5) PTPN-1000N panel type TTL-level output of the preset point

九、电器系统 9, electrical system


(2)2.5平方电缆线 (2)2.5 sq cable

(4)1.5平方铜芯线 (4)1.5 square copper wire

十、温度显示系统 10, temperature display system

(1)热电偶测温棒 (1) Thermocouple temperature measurement stick

(2)PT-100 0.1度显示器 (2) PT-100 0.1 degree display

十一、检测系统 11, detection system

(1) 电子剥离试验机 (1) e-peel test machine

(2) 持粘性测试仪 (2) holding viscous Tester

(3) 初粘性测试仪 (3) the beginning of viscosity tester

(4) 旋转粘度计 (4) rotary viscometer

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