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外贸业务员一般经常用到的英语口语:1.我们的价格和国际市场的价格相比还是合理的。Our price is reasonable as compared with that in the international market.2.我不同意您的说法。

Your price is higher than those we got from elsewhere.4.您必须要考虑到质量问题。You should take quality into consideration.5.如果按这个价格买进,我方实在难以推销。It would be very difficult for us to push any sales if we buy it at this price.6.你方的价格比去年高出了百分之二十五(25%)。 Your price is 25% higher than that of last year.7.您知道从去年以来这种商品的价格上涨了。

You may notice that the price for this commodity has gone up since last year.8.如果你方订货数量大,价格我们还可以考虑。We may reconsider our price if your order is big enough.9.这些产品都是我们的畅销货。All these articles are our best selling lines.10.你们的价格那么高,我们很难以这个价格销售。

It is difficult for us to sell the goods, as your price is so high.想要了解更多关于英语口语的相关信息,推荐咨询美联英语。美联英语严选英语授课老师,确保课堂的质量。中教具有英语教学经验,授课风格风趣幽默,善于调动课堂气氛。


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