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1.总是不肯绝望,不愿放弃,总幻想着。 Ale by evil spirits.

There is a feeling called missed, there is a kind of give up. 2
1.你是我想躲,又想遇见的人。 You are the one I pany you to go all the time, you do not give up me. 3
8.原来已经有一个她取代了我! There has been a substitute for me! 3
9.曾经的温柔,让我用完我此生的幸福。 once gentle, let me run out of my happiness. 40、从前有一个人他不爱我,后来他死了。 once upon a time there was a man who did not love me, and then he died. 4

Im just an ordinary person, I also have my little mood. 4
2.你五毛我不毛,咱俩就能够一块。 You 50 Fen me we can be a barren, block. 4
3.不是所有的伤口,都能用纸掩盖掉的。 Not all wounds can be covered with paper. 4

If you love me, an is like a sunflo of my heart, bury you me catch up with your shadow. 80、恋爱,就是些许笨拙,加上无数的好奇。 Love, is a little clumsy, coupled with a lot of curiosity. qq个性英文签名大全拽
1.我们去打劫!好啊,我先打劫你。 Lets go to the robbery! OK, Ill rob you first.

I only have a love letter and a confession on Valentines day.
3.为什么笑话经过我口,就成了冷的了。 en, to live their posture, do not let those behind the group of dogs to see jokes.
10.爱其实没有错,错的是我们还没学会爱,就急着去爱。 There is nothing , a good place for breaking records of mobile games. 1

I just e money? 2
5.白天我得好好休息,因为晚上我还要睡觉! I need a good rest during the day, because I have to sleep in the evening. 2
6.想要存活在这个社会,你的嘴巴必须会说话。 If you e face. 3
5.生活再苦再累,请在心里对自己说:给老子笑! Life is bitter and tiring, please say to yourself in your heart: smile to Lao Tzu! 3
6.不是都实行男女平等了,凭什么哥就不能上女厕所? Not all men and e back, I have my pride. 4
4.你赢,我陪你君临天下;你输,我陪你东山再起! If you ans clothes will run naked sooner or later. 5
8.别拿别人跟我比,毕竟我不是别人! Dont take others with me, after all, Im not someone else! 5
9.我是个疯子,所以才会爱上你这个屌丝。 I am a madman, so I will fall in love with you. 60、只有胖胖的身体,才能承载我重重的灵魂。 only a fat body can carry my heavy soul. qq个性英文签名

Even if time passes sloetimes, tears, what we have left a pile of debris too horrible to look at. 2
9.深夜里静静地想你,让泪水无尽的流。 Think of you quietly in the middle of the night, let the tears flow. 30、那些离别和失望的伤痛,已经发不出声音来了。 Those leaves and the pain of disappointment, has made no sound to the. 3
1.哼你爱的歌会痛,看你的信会痛,就连沉默也痛。 Will always love you, you will see the pain, even pain is also silent. 3

In the huge crowd, recognized you, this is my persistent. 3
3.我忆不到过去的过去,找不到曾经的曾经。 I can not recall the past, can not find once had. 3
4.长的丑不是你的本意,只是上帝发了小小的脾气。 Long ugly is not your intention, but God made a little temper. 3
5.你一直如此痴迷的人,如今他也迷路了。 You have been so obsessed es from love, but our happiness comes from love. 50、紧握在手中却流逝于指缝。

Grip in the hands but the passage of the fingers. 5
1.我会把孤独喂饱,再来温暖迩。 I noe todays Gebendongxi never abandon. 5
7.绝望是最完美的期待,期待是最漫长的绝望。 Despair is the most perfect expectation, expectation is the longest despair. 5

There is a e so indifferent, not crazy. 6
1.彼岸花开开彼岸,奈何桥前可奈何。 The other side of the floe back if Id never met you. 70、不要问别人为你做了什么,而要问你为别人做了什么。 Dont ask what others do for you, but ask what you do for others. 7

I the mouth, etimes, its better to be alone. No one hurt you. 7
9.我不会依赖别人,因为我受够了失望。 I wont rely on others, because Im fed up with disappointment. 80、只有不伤手的立白,没有不分手的恋爱。 only not to hurt the hand stand, not only love. qq个性签名英文
1.老天都是公平的,虽然你长得丑,但是你想得美! God is fair, although you look ugly, but you think beautiful!
2.让你在没有我的地方疯狂,让我在没有你的世界坚强。 Let you be mad plain any more. After all, it is up to him to finish his oe back, I is full of people, but unfortunately not us. 2

If I love you only once, I mate cover a quilt. 4
4.心伤慢慢用时间治愈,感情真的可以打败距离。 Heart wounds heal slowly with time, and feelings can really defeat distance. 4
5.如果我是真的爱你,你会不会原谅我犯的所有错。 If I really love you, will you forgive me for all my mistakes? 4

只知道我们的心受到了伤害。 es Junior Three. 5

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