1.缺狗粮才知道来找我? Lack of dog food to just know to me?
2.别跟我说话,我有洁癖。 Don't talk to me, I have cleanliness.
3.孩子,人傻不能复生啊! Children, silly not resurrected!
6.如果你是一朵花那牛都不拉粪了。 If you are a flower that cows don't pull the dung.
7.人要脸,树要皮,电线杆子要水泥。 People YaoLian, tree to skin, wire rod to cement.
8.麻烦你看清楚什么叫货在说话好吗。 Trouble you see clearly what is talking, please.
Under the big, big but you lack the piece of mind's eye.
10.我是不够完美,但是我坦白自然,你呢。 I'm not perfect, but I confess natural, how about you. 1
1.说我嫉妒你,哎呦,擦干你的眼屎看看。 Say I envy you, oh, dry your gum. 1
To hear you speak, a kind of intelligence superiority arises spontaneously. 1
3.有娘养没娘教育的,就教你怎么捅咕人了。 Haven't niang education of a mother, will teach you how to touch people. 1
4.你喜欢用肚子顶人,证明你的脑子聪明过人。 Do you like people with a belly. Prove your clever brain. 1
5.这世道,你这样的傻逼狗也敢在这里得瑟? This world, you such a silly force dog also dare to show off in an ostentatious manner here? 1
6.请问一下:你的棺材是滑盖的还是翻盖的? Excuse me: what's your coffin is slide or flip? 1
Your dad did should endure, why didn't you shoot on the wall. 1
8.把你的眼屎擦掉了看清楚是谁说话再行不。 Your gum cleaned off to see who is again not to speak. 1
9.他若是还说,你便说,真乖,叫你说就说。 If he said, you said, it's lovely, you said you like. 20、当初你傲成那个样子,现在又是玩哪出呢。
At the beginning you proud as like that, which is playing out right now. 2
1.孩子回家买两瓶妇炎洁孝顺一下你的爸妈吧。 Children go home to buy two bottles of fu phlogistic clean filial to your parents. 2
2.你还没有进化完全,长的象人真的难为你了。 You haven't evolved, long like a person really hard for you. 2
3.其实你算什么呢,不过是一条乱吠的狗罢了。 Actually you consider as what, but that's just a disorderly barking dog. 2
How do I dare to touch you, I am afraid I buy hand sanitizer poor themselves. 2
5.虽然你是歪瓜裂枣但是你的花哨词儿还不少。 Although you are crooked melon crack jujube but you fancy words is not little still. 2
6.你丑到连长颈鹿看到你都可以在三秒内呕出来。 You ugly to even the giraffe see you can ou in three seconds. 2
7.不要以为自己是诸葛亮,其实只是臭皮匠而已! Don't think oneself is the various ge is bright, in fact just heads! 2
8.你说不要等你翻了身,可咸鱼翻身,还是咸鱼。 Don't wait for you to turn over a body, you say can be respected, and salted fish. 2
Damaged the scourge of fellow Asian reputation, ancestors to shame for posterity. 30、要不是那晚,我忘了买套套,你早就被冲进下水道。 If it weren't for that night, I forgot to buy condoms, you would have been washed down the drain. 3
1.有人若是骂你你便说,再说一遍!有种你再说一遍。 If someone scold you said, you say that again! Maybe you say it again. 3
2.要去医院吗?我带你去,是先去妇科还是精神科啊? Want to go to the hospital? I take you to go to the department of gynaecology or psychiatrist? 3
3.上帝失手摔下来的旧洗衣机,能思考的无脑袋生物。 God is accidentally fell down old washing machine, can think of no head. 3
Do you feel your chest be small also on behalf of the province of cloth is quite proud. 3
5.你他妈就是被强奸避孕失败生出你这个没闭眼的畜生 You his mama is rape contraceptive failure gives birth to the beast of this didn't you close your eyes 3
6.应该立刻把你从鸡窝里揪出来,然后关到监狱里去! Should immediately put you out from the henhouse, then go to jail. 3
7.勾引我男人吗,我不过是把你当做发春的老母狗罢了。 Seduce my man, I just make you send spring old bitch. 3
8.这么不要脸,这么没心没肺,你的体重应该会很轻吧? So shameless, so heartless, you should be very light weight? 3
9.我给狗扔块骨头它都知道冲我摇摇尾巴,你算什么啊。 I throw bone to the dog it all know his tail at me, you are not important. 40、打是亲骂是爱,别总骂你妈,都快跟你妈产生感情了。
Play is close to scold is love, don't scold your mother, are coming to the emotions with your mother. 4
1.只要你抬头臭氧层就会破洞要移民火星是为了要离开你。 As long as you look up the ozone hole to be on immigration to Mars is to leave you. 4
2.瞅你走个道还昂首挺胸的,别撑了,再撑就一个小馒头。 Chou you go a way also self-respect, don't hold, hold out a small steamed bun. 4
The spring has passed, you still send spring do, regardless of season in the spring of original hair. 4