second的汉语意思 英 [ˈsekənd] 美 [ˈsekənd] 第三人称单数:seconds第三人称复数:seconds现在分词:seconding过去分词:seconded过去式:seconded second 基本解释 名词 秒; 瞬间; 次货; 第二份食物 形容词 第二的; 次要的; 居第二位的; 另外的 副词 第二; 其次; 以第二位 及物动词 支持; 临时调派; 附议; 赞成提案 例句 1. It is not likely that you will be given a second opportunity. 人家不大可能再给你一次机会。 2. You will need a second pair of shoes. 你需要再准备一双鞋。
e.g. It only takes forty seconds... 只需40秒。 第二(COMING AFTER SOMETHING ELSE) 1. 第二的;第二个的 The second item in a series is the one that you count as number two. e.g. ...the second day of his visit to Delhi. 他到访德里的第二天 e.g. ...their second child... 他们的第二个孩子 2. (用于形容词最高级前)第二…的 Second is used before superlative adjectives to indicate that there is only one thing better or larger than the thing you are referring to. e.g. The party is still the second strongest in Italy. 该党仍是意大利的第二大党。 e.g. ...the second-largest city in the United States. 美国第二大城市 3. 第二;其次 You say second when you want to make a second point or give a second reason for something. e.g. The soil is depleted first by having crops grown in it and second by natural weathering and bacterial action. 土壤首先是被种植其中的作物消耗掉,其次受自然风化和细菌活动的侵蚀。 second的情景对话 求职面试 B:How do you handle your failure? 你怎样对待自己的失败? A:None of us was born "perfect". I am sure I will be given a second chance to correct my mistake. 我们大家生来都不是十全十美的,我相信我有第二个机会改正我的错误。问路 A:Excuse me, can you tell me where Main Street is? 对不起,你能告诉我主街在哪里吗? B:Turn left at the second light and then go straight for two blocks. 在第二个路灯处左拐,然后直走两个街区。 A:Is it far? 它很远吗? B:No. It's only a five-minute walk. You can’t miss it. 不,走路只需五分钟。你不会错过的。
A:Thanks a lot. 太感谢了。 B:You're welcome. 没什么。
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