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stand过去式:stood;stand过去分词:stood,v.站立;立;直立;站起来;起立;使直立;竖放;使站立n.态度;立场;观点;保卫;捍卫;维护;抵抗;货摊;售货亭 stand——stood(过去式) stand——stood(过去分词) 例句 Becker stood and shook hands with Ben. 贝克尔站起来和本握手。 She was too weak to stand. 她虚弱得站都站不住。

a bird standing on one leg 单腿独立的鸟 Don't just stand there ─do something! 别就那么直挺挺地站着——干点什么! I was standing only a few feet away. 当时我就站在几英尺远的地方。

We all stood around in the corridor waiting. 我们分散站在过道里等着。 to stand on your head/hands (= to be upside down, balancing on your head/hands) 头 / 手倒立 After the earthquake, only a few houses were left standing . 地震后只剩几座房子没倒。 [V-ADJ] Stand still while I take your photo. 我给你照相,站着别动。

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