樱花的英文是sakura,sakura的英式发音是 [sakʊra],美式发音是 [sakʊra] ,意思是:樱花,樱。拓展资料sakura的用法1、Cherry Blossom Green Tea ( Loose Leaf Tea): A subtle blend of mellow Japanese Sencha with Sakura.樱花绿茶(散叶茶):一个微妙的融入了樱花的醇厚日本煎茶。
2、How is this a sakura?那张牌怎么会是樱花?3、Jennifer, Zo é, Sakura and Maria start weird conversation with the strangers.詹尼弗,佐儿,樱和玛丽娅开始了和奇怪陌生人之间的谈话。
4、I certainly know that, but I just want to see this year's sakura now!我当然知道,但是现在的心情就是想看看今年的樱花啊!5、Our blend features Silver Needle, highest quality white tea, with Sakura.我们混合了功能银针,最优质的白茶与樱花。6、The sakura is among flowers as the samurai among crowd.樱花在万花丛中就像武士在人群中。7、Suddenly he sees Sakura. A hand is stretching from behind.突然,他看见了樱,一只手在背后伸出。8、I wonder how the sakura tea tastes.我在想樱花茶是什么味道呢。