> 正文
凯旋门简介,中英文对照:The Arc de Triomphe of the Lion in Paris is located in the centre of the Charles de Gaulle Square in Paris, France, at the west end of Champs Elysees Street.巴黎凯旋门即雄狮凯旋门,位于法国巴黎的戴高乐广场中央,香榭丽舍大街的西端。The Arc de Triomphe, as its name implies, is a triumphant gate for the army to go out for battle. It is the largest circular arch in the world today. It is located in the center of Charles de Gaulle Square in central Paris.凯旋门正如其名,是一座迎接外出征战的军队凯旋的大门。
The square was also built with the Arc de Triomphe of the Lion, because the completion of the Arc de Triomphe brought inconvenience to traffic.In the mid-19th century, a circular square and 12 roads were built around the Arc de Triomphe, each of which was 40-80 meters wide and radial, just like the brilliant light of a star. A square is also called Star Square.这座广场也是配合雄狮凯旋门而修建的,因为凯旋门建成后,给交通带来了不便,于是就在19世纪中叶,环绕凯旋门一周修建了一个圆形广场及12条道路,每条道路都有40~80米宽,呈放射状,就像明星发出的灿烂光芒,因此这个广场又叫明星广场。The Arc de Triomphe was originally designed by Shaglang and Raymond. Because of disagreement, Raymond resigned two years later.So the Arc de Triomphe was finally completed according to Shaglang's design. The French National Monument Centre is responsible for maintenance, repair and management.凯旋门的设计人原来是夏格朗与赖蒙,因意见不合,两年后赖蒙辞去,于是凯旋门最后按照夏格朗的设计完成。由法国国家古迹中心负责维护修缮与管理。扩展资料巴黎凯旋门是帝国风格的代表建筑。此种风格的崛起和拿破仑的倡导有着不可分割的关系。它的兴盛与衰败始终都与拿破仑的命运紧紧联系在一起,这些建筑都是以罗马帝国雄伟庄严的建筑为灵感和样板。它们尺度巨大,外形单纯,追求形象的雄伟、冷静和威严。
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