reduce表减少; 缩小的意思,那么你知道reduce的 短语 有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了reduce的短语及用法有哪些_reduce的用法和短语配,希望对你有帮助哦! 目录 reduce的短语用法 reduce同义词辨析 reduce的短语例句 reduce的短语用法: reduce by(v.+prep.) 1.使…以(某幅度)减少 make (sth such as an amour or price) less She reduced her weight by five kilograms.她把体重减轻了5公斤。 2.以… 方法 减少 make (sth such as an amount or price) less by doing sth Reduce the sauce by boiling it for ten minutes.把调味汁煮沸10分钟,使之浓缩变稠。
3.用…方法还原 remove oxygen from or add hydrogen or electrons to (a compound) with sth The chemist reduced water by electrolysis.化学家用电解法把水还原为氢。 reduce from(v.+prep.) 使…低于 make (sth such as a price) less than (a former level) I bought this shirt because it was considerably reduced from its original price.我买这件上衣是因为它远远低于它的原价。 reduce in(v.+prep.) 使…方面降低 bring (sth/sb) down with regard to (a level, price, etc.) He would not reduce it in price.他不愿降低它的价格。 reduce to(v.+prep.) 〔说明〕 reduce to通常不用于进行体。1.使降低到,遭受 bring sth to a smaller number or amount; change sth to its parts; bring or get to a certain condition, especially humble, unpleasant, or dishonourable They reduced the expenses to 60 per cent.他们将开支压缩到60%。 <<< reduce 同义词 辨析: decrease, diminish, lessen, reduce, dwindle 这些协词的共同含义是"减少,变少"。 decrease : 指逐渐地、不断地减少。
diminish : 侧重大小数量和重要性的不断减小,强调减小的部分。 lessen : 普通用词,与decrease近义。指数目、程度、价值、实力等的减少。
reduce : 普通用词,含义广。指数量、程度的降低或减少。 dwindle : 与decrease同义,指逐渐减小,但强调变得越来越少终至全无。
<<< reduce的短语例句: 1. The job losses will reduce the total workforce to 7,000. 职位减少后,在职工人总数将减至7,000人。 2. He finally corrected his misstatement and offered to reduce the fee. 他终于纠正了自己的错误说法,提出要减少费用。 3. The plan is designed to reduce some of the company's mountainous debt. 该计划旨在减少公司堆积如山的债务。 4. The agency should reduce turnaround time by 11 per cent. 该代理机构应削减11%的周转时间。
5. They believed that controlling the money supply would reduce inflation. 他们相信控制货币供应量会减少通货膨胀。 6. Hybridising the two species will reduce the red to orange. 将这两个物种杂交后颜色会由红色淡化成橙色。 7. Other industries have had to sack managers to reduce administrative costs. 其他行业只得精简管理人员以减少行政开支。 8. They are pressing the Chancellor to reduce excise duty on beer. 他们正给施压,要求降低啤酒的消费税。
9. Boil the liquid in a small saucepan to reduce it by half. 用小炖锅炖,收一半汤汁。 10. If the Europeans did not reduce subsidies, a trade war would ensue. 如果欧洲人不减少补贴,便会发生贸易战。 11. Incorporating organic material into chalky soils will reduce the alkalinity. 在白垩质土壤中添加有机物可降低其碱性。 12. Protective gloves reduce the absorption of chemicals through the skin. 防护手套可以减少皮肤对化学物质的吸收。
13. The creams have been used to reduce vaginal infections. 已使用这种乳膏来减少阴道感染。 14. People should eat less fat to reduce the risk of heart disease. 人们应该减少脂肪摄入,以降低患心脏病的危险。 15. We all need to look for ways to reduce our carbon footprint. 我们都需要寻求降低碳排放量的方法。