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第一首:NERD Feat. Kanye West - Everyone Nose (Remix) http://mp3.baidu.com/m?f=ms&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=NERD+Everyone+Nose+%28Remix%29&lm=-1第二首:Lil' Wayne - A Milli http://mp3.baidu.com/m?f=ms&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=Lil%27+Wayne+-+A+Milli+&lm=-1第三首:Prodigy – Smack My Bitch Uphttp://mp3.baidu.com/m?f=ms&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=Smack+My+Bitch+Up&lm=-1第四首:Santogold - You'll Find A Wayhttp://mp3.baidu.com/m?tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lm=-1&word=Santogold%20-%20You%27ll%20Find%20A%20Way&t=2f=ms&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=Santogold+-+You%27ll+Find+A+Way&lm=-13分26秒的是第二首:Lil' Wayne - A Milli http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTA4NDU1OTg4.html下载:http://mp3.baidu.com/m?tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lm=-1&word=LIL%20wayne%20a%20millihttp://musiclikedirt.com/wp-content/MP3/best08/03%20A%20Milli.mp3Lil Wayne]Ima Millionaire,Im a Young Money Millie in aire, tougher than Nigerian hair,My criteria compared to your career just isnt fair,Ima venereal disease like a menstrual bleed..Threw the pencil and leak the sheet of the tablet in my mind,Cuz I dont write shit cuz I aint got time,Cuz my seconds, minutes, hours go to the al mighty dollar,And the al mighty power of dat chit cha cha chopper,Sister, Brother, Son, Daughter, Father motha fuck a copper,Got da maserati dancin on the bridge pussy poppin,Tell the coppers..hahahaha you cant catch em, you cant stop em,I go by them goon rules if you cant beat em then you pop em,You cant man em then you pop em,You cant man em then you mop em,You cant stand em then you drop em,You drop em cuz we pop em like Orville Redenbacher,[Cory Gunz]Im Millie in here wit them Young Money Milli on aires,Think you really pop a wheelie in air,Mac Milli..the Vanilli’s in here.. im a rascal dont get whopped,I get brats who dont give top,I get tassel, pass you wit a flow you could never put a brake on,An I break on anything a nigga take on,Feel the napalm from my trey arm, straight long, throw a nigga like im Akon,Cuz I make cons.. Where the base gone, get the base blown,Let the Pistons on that chopper come on cops im kamikaze drop a rock wit them Obamas,Illie in the mind, really wit the nine, millie when I rhyme, silly anytime,Fine, chilly gitty on da grind, Shitty on a dime, Penny on the line,Plentys in me, any guinea’s wit em bigger than a mini and remind im..Illie and its all off G piece and a P..G walk by beep beep,Wit a freak, skeet, Hawk Out, big feet on a jeep..She caught by Weezy F, we be the best,Truely to death prove me the rest,Groupies confess, you be the ref, excuse me I left..Ha[these lyrics unconfirmed in album version but present in mixtape version]young moneyC3nay nay, daddys betteroka millionaire im a young money millionairewhat chyall really want it nowy’all dont really wanna do itif hip hop is dead i am the embalming fluidand I don’t care who it be, I’m steppin to itnotice I say ‘it’ cuz to me, it ain’t shitget. it.call me whacha like trick?call me on my sidekicknever answer when its privateman I hate a shy chickdon’t you hate a shy chickI had a plate of shy chick and she ain’t shy no mo’she changed her name to my chickhahaha, yea boy thats my girland she pops excellent up in waynes worldtotally dude you shouldsee their faces when they see thatthis robot can moveand its like…hahaha, yeaand it go…thats rightI’m a millionaire I’m ayoung money cash money fast moneyslow money mo’ money neva low moneywhat is that, who is that, I never heard of itI will take your picture and make a ‘rest in peace’ shirt of ittell those n***** beatin to make a rest in peace shirt of me cuz ikilled and now don’t tell no one you heard of meits like, the beat was screamin, murder meand i’m a, murdererso I murdered itand you n***** is what i eatin ill make sure of itand he who don’t believe me I’ll make dessert of himsherbet him, I meanshame on him, or herCarter, Father ofthis rap thang, this is my racegon’ take a lap man weezy babys nurserynow gon’ take a nap man, its nap timeI’ll holla back at you at snack timeWeezy… F…. yea, okthey say I’m rappin like Big, Jay, and TupacAndre 3 Thousand where is erykah badu atwho datwho dat said they gon’ beat Lil Waynemy name ain’t bic, but I keep that flamewho dat onedat do dat boyyall knew dattrue dat swallowand i be the shhhhnow you got loose bowelsI don’t owe you like two vowelsbut I’d like for you to pay me by the hourhahahaand I’d rather be pushing flowers,than to be in the penn sharing showerssee Tony told us this world was oursand the Bible told us every girl was sourdont play in the garden and don’t smell her flowercall me Mr. Carter or Mr. Lawn Mowerboy I got so many girls like I’m Michael Lowryeven Gwen Stefani said she couldn’t doubt meman, life, just ain’t life, without mehip hop just ain’t hip hop, without meyoung moola babyC3
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