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歌名:Who Let The Dogs Out专辑:Who Let The Dogs Out歌手:Baha Men歌词:Who let the dogs out(谐音 红雷在搓澡)谁把狗放出来(汪,汪,汪,汪)Who let the dogs out谁把狗放出来(汪,汪,汪,汪)Who let the dogs out谁把狗放出来(汪,汪,汪,汪)Who let the dogs out谁把狗放出来(汪,汪,汪,汪)When the party was nice, the party was jumpin'当趴体狂欢,聚会热闹And everybody havin' a ball每个人都乐在其中I tell the fellas "…start the name callin'…"我告诉小伙子们 开始叫名字吧And the girls report to the call女孩们回应呼唤The poor dog show down可怜的狗出现了Who let the dogs out谁把狗放出来(汪,汪,汪,汪)Who let the dogs out谁把狗放出来(汪,汪,汪,汪)Who let the dogs out谁把狗放出来(汪,汪,汪,汪)Who let the dogs out谁把狗放出来(汪,汪,汪,汪)I see ya' little speed boat head up our coast我看到你的小快艇靠近我们的海岸She really want to skip town她真的想溜走Get back off me, beast off me放开我 把这野兽拿走Get back you flea infested monger回去 你这个到处都是跳蚤的病源Now I tell meh self dem man go get angry我要告诉自己不能生气To any girls calling them canine跟姑娘们说只是只狗Tell the dummy "Hey Man, It's part of the Party!"跟大家说 嘿大家 这是趴体的小节目You fetch a women in front and her mans behind你跟一个
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