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被子的.英文说法1: quilt 被子的英文说法2: duvet 被子的英文说法3: cowry 被子相关英文表达: 制作被子 To make a quilt 折叠被子 fold the quilt 晒被子 air a quilt 被子英文说法例句: 1. Scraps of material were saved, cut up and pieced together for quilts. 边角碎料都保留下来,剪好后拼在一起做成被子。 2. He mostly stayed at home tucking up the children. 他主要待在家里,帮孩子们盖好被子睡觉。

3. I read Lili a story and tucked her in her own bed. 我为莉莉读了个故事,然后给她盖好被子。

4. The quilt has pretty, scalloped edges and intricate quilting. 这条被子有漂亮的荷叶饰边,而且绗缝活做得也很精致。 5. Ann threw back the covers and scrambled out of bed. 安掀开被子,急忙下了床。 6. She buried her head under the covers, pretending to be asleep. 她把头埋到被子底下,假装睡着了。 7. She set her glass down and slid farther under the covers. 她放下杯子,钻进被子里。

8. For centuries, quilting and patchwork have been popular needlecrafts. 几个世纪以来,缝被子和做布拼一直是许多人都会做的针线活儿。 9. Tuck the sheets in firmly. 掖紧被子。 10. He would be tucked comfortably into bed. 会有人给他掖好被子,让他舒舒服服地睡觉。

11. Mother pieced a quilt yesterday. 母亲昨天补了一床被子. 12. I sing to the boys or read them a story before tucking them in. 在给这些男孩们盖好被子叫他们乖乖睡觉前,我会给他们唱首歌或讲一个故事听。 13. My mother would tuck me in, turn out the lights and tiptoe out. 母亲会给我掖好被子,关上灯,然后蹑手蹑脚走出去。 14. She turned her face away from him, burrowing into her heap of covers. 她侧过脸背向他,钻进她那堆被子里。

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