美国 美国国庆节,日期为7月4日,以纪念1776年7月4日大陆会议通过《独立宣言》。 《独立宣言》由托马斯·杰佛逊起草,1776年7月4日由大陆会议主席约翰·汉寇克签字生效。《独立宣言》提出了一切人生而平等,具有追求幸福与自由的天赋权利,政府的权力来自人民;历数了英国对北美13州进行殖民统治的罪行;最后庄严宣告美利坚合众国脱离英国而独立。从此,通过《独立宣言》的这一天成为美国人民永远纪念的节日。 早期独立日的庆祝活动主要是游行和演讲,后来又增加了户外活动、体育比赛等项目。燃放爆竹、烟花的活动曾一度十分流行,20世纪后为防止发生火灾等危险而取消。
U.S. National Day, the date of July 4 to commemorate the July 4, 1776 the Continental Congress adopted "Declaration of Independence." "Declaration of Independence," drafted by Thomas Jefferson, July 4, 1776 by the President of the Continental Congress, John Hancock signed the entry into force. "Declaration of Independence," made all men are created equal, with the pursuit of happiness and freedom of natural rights, the government's powers come from the people enumerated the state of British colonial rule in North America 13 crimes and finally solemnly declared the United States of America gained independence from Britain. Since then, through the "Declaration of Independence" in this day holiday to commemorate the American people forever. Early Independence Day celebrations are mainly demonstrations and lectures, and later increased outdoor activities, sports competitions and other projects. Discharge of firecrackers, fireworks event was once very popular, the 20th century, in order to prevent such dangers as fire was canceled.
英国 英国国庆日:随天气变换的国王生日
United Kingdom's National Day: With the weather changing the king's birthday
Constitutional monarchy in Britain, according to the historical practice, the King's birthday for the British National Day, the current Queen Elizabeth II's birthday is April 21, but because of poor weather in April in London, so each year the second week of June 6 as the "Queen's Official Birthday." Queen's father, during the reign of George VI, also in June for his birthday, even though his actual birthday is December 14, after two King George V and Edward VIII was born in June in just before the actual birthday receive the whole nation in a common Yoshihisa subjects. And the United States compared with Independence Day, the British royal family, the National Day can not help thinking, "Yijizhisi" and means that in addition there are a lot of people called for abolition of monarchy, Britain's National Day is much more natural low-key, unlike the United States so grand fanfare. Female Wang Heshou activities very important one is: knighthoods Honors for domestic and foreign celebrities. Be given credit for the list prepared by the government and the royal family, and in the Queen's official birthday announcement. Championship title every year we tend to continue to come from the City of London and national levels of government, military, as well as supporters of the Labor government policy, of which 36% were female. Highest honor, the title of "Knight" to the winner came from Oxford and Cambridge two elite schools are mostly only a few exceptions, such as cosmetics shop "BodyShop" founder Anita Roddick.