美国—烧旧物狂歌 意大利——摔摔打打过新年
United States New Year
300,000 people collectively, "Cheers." New Year's Eve, the United States gathered in Las Vegas about 30000 revelers holding champagne. Las Vegas City plans in the New Year when the bell rang, 3 million people will be together celebrating the arrival of 2006. Las Vegas will break their New Year in 2005, created 293,000 people at the same time drink Guinness world record.
Goldman, according to the mayor, said this evening will be a large star performances, velvet curtain decoration party. In 2006, when the bell rang, worth 50 million dollars will be fireworks bloom in the sky.
California New Year's Day celebration has other characteristics, the New Year is approaching, the streets around them the roses, dozens of cars carrying flowers decorate the floats of young girl wearing a dress slowly by. People will be elected during the festive season then Princess Rose Queen and Rose, in appreciation of the welcome the New Year.
United States - burn the old things Poets Italy - throw beat played New Year
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