> 正文
1. amazing grace 版本很多。女声hayley westenra 的不错,《白色巨塔》主题曲 。
空灵, touch your heart.2.nocturne 神秘园 低吟浅唱,在夜静时分拨动心底的伤感。可惜被用来做广告。3. to be by your side nick cave唱出了只能在爱人身边陪伴一晚而次日即将离开的忧郁。 歌词 Across the oceans Across the seas, Over forests of blackened trees. Through valleys so still we dare not breathe, To be by your side. Over the shifting desert plains, Across mountains all in flames. Through howling winds and driving rains, To be by your side. Every mile and every year for every one a little tear. I cannot explain this, Dear, I will not even try. Into the night as the stars collide, Across the borders that divide forests of stone standing petrified, To be by your side. Every mile and every year, For every one a single tear. I cannot explain this, Dear, I will not even try. For I know one thing, Love comes on a wing. For tonight I will be by your side. But tomorrow I will fly. From the deepest ocean To the highest peak, Through the frontiers of your sleep. Into the valley where we dare not speak, To be by your side. Across the endless wilderness where all the beasts bow down their heads. Darling I will never rest till I am by your side. Every mile and every year, Time and Distance disappear I cannot explain this. Dear No, I will not even try. And I know just one thing, Love comes on a wing and tonight I will be by your side. But tomorrow I will fly away, Love rises with the day and tonight I may be by your side. But tomorrow I will fly, Tomorrow I will fly, Tomorrow I will fly. 4. may it be 恩雅,指环王插曲。5. scarborough fair 《毕业生》主题歌。女声版是海豚音莎拉布莱曼唱的。男声版是保罗·西蒙唱的。
哀伤的恋歌,也是一首反战歌曲。 以一位在战火中亡故的士兵的口吻唱出,他再不能回到朝思暮想的家乡,再不能与心上人一同享受生活的甘甜。
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